DLS Consulting

Tea Parties.

Whether you feel that we are being taxed enough already, last week’s attempt to communicate frustration with the current administration left a lot of people scratching their head. The confusion was caused by many different aspects of this event as it took on different meaning all over the country. As well meaning as it might have been, the messages were different and were being delivered by many different voices.

It all seemed to start with people who thought a protest to high taxes would send a message to the White House about not using anymore taxpayer funds to bail out big companies and Wall Street firms. It ended up with fringe lunatics being rounded up by CNN to do interviews to try to portray the players in the tea party festivities as light weights. If you want to start a movement and make a national statement, it helps to get a credible voice to bring a clear message. That may prevent a CNN or mainstream media reporter from using idiots for their sources of what the tea party is all about.

Admittedly, I did not attend a tea party. My political affiliation changed a few years ago to that of “Independent”. Both of our major parties have proven they have little conscience when it comes to spending frugality. Both parties are victims of the campaign fund raising syndrome and the influence of special interest groups via lobbying and contributors. How easily these events seem to trivialize important issues like tax policy and deficits. When will we find time to spend on weighty issues with both parties at the table in diligent dialogue? It seems the world is just like the church… yearning to stay on a milk diet instead of meat!

II Corinthians 10:3-5 (RSV) “For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...”

Monday Morning Message Sent 4/20/09


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