DLS Consulting

Will Seven Plagues be Enough?

You might be wondering if this MMM relates to the Cleveland Indians since we cited Plague # 1 to be the midges of Lake Erie that helped them win game two of the ALDS and then Plague #2 took place when the Yankee's owner issued an ultimatum of win or go home to one of the best managers to ever work in a dugout.  That undue pressure on the players helped the Indians beat the Yankees and now they go to work on the Red Sox.  It's too early to identify plague #3 but the question is really not to trivialize the great lessons that God left us in the attempts of the Israelites to flee Egypt and seek God's leading in finding their promised land.

The plagues in order of their appearance were:  frogs; gnats & flies; livestock; boils; hail; locusts; darkness; death of first born sons and livestock.  It always struck me when I read or heard this story that if I had been Pharaoh, I think I would have given in after boils, hail, or locusts and not really had a problem saying "get out of here!"  And then, after seeing all of this, Moses parts the Red Sea while being pursued by the same Egyptians who still chased after Moses and the children of Israel started having doubts about whether leaving was really God's will. 

How many times has God hit you with reminders of His will for you and you know the importance of the reminder but you do the opposite of God's leading anyway.  I think of this when it comes to reading my Bible and having my quiet time.  I know this time is always worth the sacrifice from my busy life to do it, but somehow I still seem to miss.  The same is true of prayer time and sharing with others about God's plan of salvation. 

We have all experienced as many warnings as Pharaoh did and then some and yet we still struggle with following God's will as we are no different than all of these Old Testament characters.  Our human tendencies will re-emerge just when we least expect them and all of a sudden we find ourselves worshipping the idols of wealth and comfort just like the golden calf or the idols of Baal.  This week, try to focus on the importance of obedience as you look at how God wants you to learn something new about the time you are spending in the Word! 


Sent October 15 , 2007

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