Kingdom Advisors, 2009 Conference in Atlanta.
Five hundred people from all walks of the financial services industry met in Atlanta for the fifth (5th) annual conference of the Kingdom Advisors ( February 12-14th. Advisors from large, medium, and small firms came together to share about how they could let their light’s so shine before men that the world could see the goodness of the Lord. In a world that is in disarray, the speakers and attendees agreed that this is indeed an opportunity to show the world that God’s sovereignty is one of the truths’s to be learned in a time like this. Can a down stock market stop the Lord’s work or can it change the eternal truth’s of God’s goodness? Not if your hope is in the Lord!
One of the trends in recent years has been the increase in involvement of advisors who are working in the largest firms. Evidence of this was the presence of 28 active advisors from Merrill Lynch (not counting one retired advisor); double digit representation from Ameriprise; Smith Barney; Morgan Stanley; Wachovia; and LPL Financial. No less important was the presence of advisors who work in other firms and bring advice to clients who are seeking truth and integrity in more ways than ever before. The primary gathering methods for the organization are Community Groups (60) that tend to cluster around a geographic area and then Study Groups (122) which build up inside each Community. Information on how to start such a group in your area or sphere of influence can be found on the website listed above for K/A.
Some of the themes from my notes from several different speakers:
- Beware of greed
- Move to generosity
- Learn to be rich toward God
- What you fear is often what you worship
- When discouraged, read Romans 8
- Opportunities for service and generosity do not remain open forever
- All we have belongs to God
- Our identity is in Christ; not in our job; not in our wealth; not in our appearances
- Generous Givers are all around us; do others include you in that circle?
- This is so good! Can you keep February 1-14, 2010 open to come to next year’s event? It will be three days again somewhere in that time frame! See you there!
What can Kingdom Advisors do for you? I cannot tell you how many people have indicated they will return to next year’s conference and bring a friend with them.
Proverbs 11:13-14 (RSV) “He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing hidden. Where there is no guidance, a people falls; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
Monday Morning Message Sent 2/23/09
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