Sunday Morning...Do You Know Where Your Church Is?
Sunday mornings and church were pretty much paired together in my life as a child. When the chores were done on our farm in NW Ohio, the real work began each day except for Sunday when we cleaned up and went to the Wauseon Evangelical Mennonite Church also known as “The friendly church on the corner”. It was the place where I accepted Christ as my Savior during a revival service and also where I was taught stewardship of time, talents, and treasure.. Most of these experiences were mandatory(the exception being my acceptance of Christ) and non-negotiable with my parents especially my father.
I could try to find that church today if I looked real hard but its name would have changed from the Wauseon EMC to something called Crossroads Church. It seems people don’t relate as well to the discipline implied in being a Mennonite so that name has changed and yet it appears that there is still solid preaching there based on the Bible. The hymnals we sang from are not necessary as they have been replaced with 7-11 music. That is short for a chorus that has 7 words and gets sung 11 times. The youth group that used to meet on Sunday nights now meets all week long in a lounge/restaurant drop in area. That area is needed to attract kids who must have a father who thinks differently than mine. If there is a father in the house at all, there are not as many non-negotiables about how to spend time on the Sabbath.
It’s not that I am pining for the good old days like it used to be. It is that I would like to see young men that have as much courage to be fathers as they did to bring children into the world. More than ever, I would like to see fathers that stick with their families and learn to give their kids the blessings they need to know they are loved. Even when families experience divorce and separation, fathers can still show their true character by not abandoning their children. Finding your church and a place where you can grow in Christ seems more complicated today than it was fifty years ago. Funny, but I don’t think God has changed in that time period but we sure have as a nation and a body of believers.
Do people know if there is anything that is non-negotiable in your life? Is it something more important than your role at work or your weekend tee time?
Happy Fathers Day!
Joshua 24:15 (RSV) “And if you be unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Monday Morning Message Sent 6/22/09
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