“The missing ingredient in the lives of many
Christians today is motivation.” This quote from
Randy Alcorn could apply to people throughout the world
who have been numbed by the world’s victims in
tragedies and those who have given up on making a difference.
Even those of us who take up going on a diet each
year by now have decided that maybe the cost of a new
wardrobe for the smaller sizes isn’t good stewardship
and just eating what we want, when we want it, and
in whatever size we want it could be ok with God.
That pledge to move into a serious level of giving
this year that meant actually calculating what it means
to give 10% and maybe more could wait til next year
because it looks like most of the ministries and churches
are doing fine with the gifts from others.
The young girls in Thailand who are being sold into
sexual slavery even as you read this will probably
make it ok without me because others will step up and
help…and even then, we can’t rescue all
of them can we? Talk with Bob Ross and Brian Ansevin
if you want to meet some people who are sold out about
helping in this ministry.
Aren’t you glad that Jesus didn’t say
that when confronted in the Garden of Gethsemane, I
don’t know if this is really worth it…there
are going to be a lot of people who won’t believe
anyway, why should I suffer and die for a world that
often will reject me?
Thank God, He is bigger than
any of us! (Hebrews 12:2 and Philippians 2:9)
I’m praying for each
of you who are facing a challenge that you are almost
ready to give up on and your motivation is low because
you are discouraged. God has a lesson for you and the
people who will be affected by your actions. JUST DO
IT! dls
Sent in March 2006
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